05 Dec Sting Mystery Shopping Got Easier
Available in your app store for both Android and iphone
Sting Mystery Shopping just got easier. Shopmetrics Mobile is changing the way our shoppers fill out their surveys. You can get everything started as soon as you are out of site of the location. WIFI not necessary to save. Get all those details entered while they are still fresh in your mind.
From giving great descriptions, to entering key details – no need to try and remember everything for when you get back to your computer, now you can get everything written down within moments of leaving your shop, including adding photos, answering key survey questions and writing up the narratives right after the shop is completed. This has changed the way Sting shoppers work, making a multiple shop route as easy as doing one shop the old way.
URL: sting.shopmetrics.com and your regular login will get you started.
- User focus design
- Streamlined application process
- Superior in speed and performance
- Dynamic on-screen instructions
- Informative banners and shortcuts
Go to our Become a Mystery Shopper page for more info on Sting Mystery Shopping.
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