Accredited Fingerprinting SERVICES in New Westminster & Victoria
Sting is offering RCMP accredited fingerprinting services in New Westminster and Victoria, we are agents of Pacific Fingerprint Services, Inc. CLICK HERE to book book at our head office located in New Westminster BC or mobile fingerprints through our Vancouver Island branch.
Our accredited fingerprint agents take ink and roll fingerprints that can be provided to you or scanned electronically to the RCMP criminal record check database.
Fingerprint clients will be asked to complete their own COVID-19 Health Check (have you been out of the country in the last 14 days, are you showing any symptoms of COVID-19, etc.) before the appointment, along with wearing a mask and using hand sanitizer at time of appointment. Contactless payment is preferred. ac
Do you require fingerprints for citizenship, immigration, permanent resident card (PR Card), security licensing, or pardon/waiver? We provide certified criminal record checks for the following reasons:
- Citizenship
- Criminal Record Suspension (Pardon Applications)
- Permanent Residency (PR CARD)
- Ink and Roll sets for foreign fingerprint submissions
- Immigration
- Federal Government Clearances
- Fingerprinting for Employment (RCMP Accredited Certified Criminal Record Check C-216C)
- Privacy Act Requests
- Name Change Application
- Security Guard Licensing
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI Card FD-258)
- US Waivers
Call 1-877-717-8464 or click to book.
- Ensure to confirm your appointment and complete a Self Health Check (COVID-19)
- Bring all your documents with you to the appointment.
- Bring two (2) pieces of valid government issue ID. One of them MUST have a photo and be government issued. (Acceptable ID is listed below). You must have valid ID or we cannot submit your fingerprints.
- Be at your appointment on time and we will take it from there!
What to bring?
- Driver’s License
- BCID (or any provincial ID)
- Passport
- BC Health Services Card (only counts as one if it is combined with your license)
- Permanent Residence Card
- Citizenship Card
- Birth Certificate
- Native Status Card
- Any other Government Issue ID Card (Security License, etc)
PLEASE NOTE: EXPIRED ID (Credit Cards, Bank cards, Student IDs) IS NOT VALID ID.
Fingerprint service
NEW westminster

Sting takes fingerprint appointments at our New Westminster office. Our head office is located in the Spencer Building at 604 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC Canada. Parking is available close by and we are in walking distance from transit. Our accredited fingerprint services are available by appointment only, please call our toll free number 1-877-717-8464, or email or click to book an appointment today.
Our agents also provide mobile fingerprint services in Vancouver and surrounding areas.

STING offers accredited mobile fingerprint services in Vancouver and Greater Victoria area. We do individual and group sets in the lower mainland and surrounding areas, all over Vancouver Island.
Our services are a cost effective and extremely convenient alternative to using police agencies for your certified criminal background checks. Group discount rates are available.
Keeping both our agents and our clients safe is of our upmost priority. To view our COVID-19 Safety Protocols regarding our Mobile Fingerprint Services.
Let us bring our accredited fingerprint services to you! Sting’s Fingerprint Services are available in the following areas:
- Greater Vancouver, including Vancouver, New Westminster, Burnaby, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Surrey and Whiterock
- Greater Victoria, including downtown, Saanich, James Bay, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, Colwood, Langford, the Highlands, Metchosin, Sooke and Sidney
- Fraser Valley, including Abbotsford, Maple Ridge and Mission
- All of Vancouver Island
- Other areas, including Chilliwack, Whistler, Terrace, Fort St John and Prince George